
Welcome to the Reach-Up Head Start blog! Here you will find information about our programs, stories from our staff and families, mental health resources, news and event information, our virtual wellness room, and more.

April Edition of The Whistler

APRIL IS ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH * Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States * One in every 12 adults suffers from alcohol abuse or dependence.…

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March Edition of The Whistler

MARCH IS NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH® Every March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrates National Nutrition Month®. This campaign focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing…

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February Edition of The Whistler

FEBRUARY IS AMERICAN HEART MONTH Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both American men and women. African American men are especially susceptible. So it’s good news that…

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January Edition of The Whistler

Winter Safety According to data from the National Safety Council, 25,000 slip, trip and fall accidents occur daily in the US. Snow, ice and freezing temps in the winter multiply…

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December Edition of The Whistler

How to keep yourself and others healthy •Stay home when you are sick •Stay home if you have been exposed to a family or household member who is sick •Cover…

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November Edition of The Whistler

Preparing for Winter. I bet you prepare for winter by pulling your jackets, hats, and gloves out of storage. If you are anything like me, this process of winter preparation…

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October Edition of The Whistler

There are currently vaccines available for 18 dangerous or deadly diseases. There are currently vaccines available for 18 dangerous or deadly diseases. Over the years, these vaccines have prevented countless…

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August Edition of The Whistler

August starts the 2018-19 school year at Reach-Up Head Start/Early Head Start Back to School Tips! * Use a planner * Create a family calendar and put it in a…

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July Edition of The Whistler

ALL ABOUT SUNSHINE Skin cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the skin. The skin is the body’s largest organ. It protects against…

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June Edition of The Whistler

OPIOID EPIDEMIC Of the estimated 2.1 million Americans currently in the grip of opioid addiction, many are women of childbearing age. The young-adult population has been hardest hit, proportionately, with…

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