with Reach-Up

Reach-Up Head Start benefits greatly from the invaluable support from volunteers. Our programs succeed from both family and community involvement.

Get Involved with Volunteer Opportunities

  • Complete a part-time or full-time internship for Early Childhood, Social Work, or Community Psychology degrees
  • Interact and develop positive relationships with young children in a Head Start classroom with activities such as reading, art, or sharing a special talent
  • Assist teachers by preparing classroom activities at home (cutting, pasting, gluing, stapling, etc.)
  • Assist staff and families at various parent/child events throughout the year
  • Assist with literacy events for children and their families
  • Various opportunities to assist and support the program administration and office staff
  • Serve on an agency advisory committee

Getting Started as a Volunteer

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteercoordinator@reachupinc.org or 320-253-0811

Ask about current

Ask if a background
study is required

Complete and submit
a Volunteer Application

Please Note: Some volunteer opportunities have additional requirements. The volunteer coordinator will inform you what information is required for the volunteer opportunity you are interested in. 

If a background study is required, all volunteers are required to pay $40 for the background study and $9.10 for the fingerprinting and photo services.